Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The 1st Trimester Of Pregnancy

So, you have gotten over the exhilaration of being pregnant. Here are only one or two tips that could help you to survive : 1. Get masses of rest : Most likely, you'll be more knackered than ever in the first trimester. Hear your body and head off to bed or take snoozes when you're feeling exhausted. This will also mean cutting down on needs, or going out with friends.

Make giant meals on the weekends to last across the week : you'll notice that you have a bit more energy for one or two hours on the weekends. Snatch up those moments of energy to make an one-dish meal for the week ( soups, casseroles, lasagnas, stews ) so you have something on the nights you lack the need and energy to cook. One of the things that helped me was eating black licorice, eating griddled cheese sandwiches all day, and drinking lemonade. So, what does it for one, doesn't work for all.

Try different things. Don't read all the pregnancy books : Ask your health practitioner for one book that their practice endorses and stick with that book. If you're feeling the necessity to buy a few books on the market, don't let yourself get anxious about all the things they debate in these books. My doctor assured me that you don't even need to take the prenatal vitamins till the 20th week.

Call your health practitioner if you have worries about anything! Your physician will assure you more than the books or any one else in fact. Lastly, have a good time during your first trimester! Love all the changes and experiences your body goes thru while pregnant as it forms a little miracle within.