Those who have young children and especially newborn babies, no longer remember what a jerk is sleep all night.
Although with the passage of time you get used to maldormir (the nights that I slept without waking up in the last 5 ½ years are counted on the fingers of one hand), my recommendation to all new mothers are sleeping while they can.
Fatigue takes its toll on our bodies and our mood. We become more irritable and ultimately we have less energy to serve our babies and the rest of the children, if any.
Therefore, I advise you if you can not sleep at night, that ye during the day, albeit at times. Before dinner on weekends, a nap after dinner, in the taxi. ...
Ideally, sleep when the baby sleeps. But then, as the little sleep we take to do things that have been outstanding as doing the laundry or take a bath quiet. However, the priority is to rest and replenish the batteries, so close your eyes and try to sleep even a few minutes. A good night's sleep, however short, feel great.
The most comfortable baby sleeps on top of mom, so if you put on your chest you can sleep two at a time and probably sleep longer than if they were in the crib.
You want to have someone give you a hand with caring for the baby at home, so while you sleep recover that person can take care of the child.
There are mothers who have no family nearby that could help him out, and probably have more children to attend to, as I do. But that from experience I advise you to rest your life and with your baby. The first thing you are you and your baby. Sleep while you can, what else can wait.