Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ideas to develop the manual skills of children between 2-3 years

Did you know your child is able to undress without your help and increasingly insist you take it just the fork or spoon when eating?

The 2 to 3 years developing new manual skills and parental support is very important at this stage to help children develop their independence.
At first two years the child will be able to undress himself, but usually does not learn to dress to three years when he alone can even adjust the closures of pants and skirts.
To help your child in this process, buy comfortable clothes. Use clothes that are easy to remove and put on and prevents the closures of pants and skirts complicated.Choose pants with elastic instead of trousers with buttons; skirts instead of dresses, instead of Dickies pants, shoes with Velcro instead of shoe with laces.
Remember also that your son has to leave diapers behind. If you use comfortable clothing will be easier to go to the bathroom, especially if still not well controlled sphincters.

After two years the child is able to eat without help
The child also begins to dominate their motor skills when eating alone. It can handle a fork and spoon and grab a glass or cup. The child feels great when it finds that is able to perform these activities without help. Not only develops hand coordination, but also enhances their autonomy.Encourage her to feed herself without overwhelming him or scold him if sometimes stain or spill some food.
The crafts are a great entertainment that favor the development of the manual skills of the child
Stimulates manual dexterity through crafts. Young children love to play with soft materials such as clay or mud. Offer molds for forming and cutting material. At this stage the child is more interested in process than outcome.

One of the favorite entertainment of children at this age is painting. Have so much fun finger painting, doodling and coloring paper or card stock. No wonder the child made several strokes and once completed, a figure identified with familiar (a dog, a house, grandfather ...). Leave him alone with his paintings and his creative instinct will take over the situation.
The progress of children in the area of fine motor skills are also reflected in their play
Most manual dexterity and coordination of the child are also reflected in his play. The children, likes to throw and catch objects. Before they did so with larger pieces (eg a large ball) now handles smaller objects (such as tennis balls). It also sports by simple constructions, fitting parts, sorting objects by colors and shapes.

Parents can teach him to point out objects in books, to draw silhouettes of different shapes with their fingers, to fill buckets of water or sand ...
You can do with him necklaces with colored beads or macaroni, playing musical instruments like the xylophone or the drum, dress and undress dolls

Choose toys that entertain and amuse as well as, stimulate their manual skills and help develop their ability of perception and understanding of different ways.

  1. British Stamp
  2. Gladioli
  3. Family Fashion Clothes
  4. Travel Keyboard
  5. Travel Keyboard
  6. Nobila
  7. Omega Oil
  8. Whoozit Baby Toy
  9. Ice Hockey Gloves
  10. Soccer Coaching
  11. Baler
  12. Infiniti
  13. Antique Rhinestone Brooches
  14. Electrical Supply
  15. Quality Printing