Breastfeeding greatly influences on infant development. The best food for a newborn is the milk of his/her own mother. Breastfeeding is more practical, inexpensive, requires no preparation, the milk comes to the proper temperature, and contains all the nutrients the baby needs to grow.
In its first months, the child needs more than ever, proper nutrition, affection, encouragement and protection against infection. Breastfeeding satisfies these needs and provides the best possible start to their lives.
Breast milk contains all the nutrients it needs a healthy baby. It is a food produced by the body of the mother and its composition is adapted to the needs of children.
Mothers should offer the breast whenever the baby is hungry. The more you breastfeed, the glands secrete more milk. Even if this is a premature baby, the type of milk that the mother has adapted to proteins, carbohydrates and fats in relation to weight and time of birth. The rarely breast fed baby will be sick, because breast milk provides antibodies and cells to reduce infection.
Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and child, especially if started soon after birth. The baby will feel safe, loved and respond with an attitude of joy and satisfaction that contribute to good neurological development.
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