Saturday, October 31, 2009

The dream of drinks: of 9 to 10 months

Even for 9 or 10 months, the calmest babies can have disadvantages at the time of sleeping until reaching up to one year!
These problems can arise by the anxiety of the separation or changes in their own development of becoming a boy. However… what you must do?
According to Parents, you do what you can do as you must never change the rules of the hours to sleep. You must never break the routine of the dream.
If you have followed exactly all the advice mentioned on above lines, then your boy will have less disadvantages. Therefore always focus on this line for the healthy life of your baby.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ingenious and funny disguises for your babies

To disguise babies is something that enchants all fathers. To see them surrounded in clothes of different species as resemble with those species like cat is extremely funny experience for parents. There are thousands of such dresses like pumpkins and sorceresses. It is necessary to use the creativity and to let them to take by the imagination.
There are disguises thought for all type of age, size and desire. The small ones enjoy much this change of identity. They are transformed completely into which its disguise. If you look for an original and funny disguise, here we are going to present some most graceful dresses.
You would like that your baby shone as a giant peanut? Or like a pea? Perhaps you prefer something more traditional: All the alternatives are possible. And all can be yours if you decide to buy the disguise via These incredible disguises make the rounds between the 20 and 30 dollars and are figures for new born.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tips to take care of a new born baby

When the pregnant mother arrives at her home with her new born baby in her arms, there is much anxiety, fear and questions that comes in her head and it is normal, we remember that little baby depends on the cares and love the mother and father offer her.
Here we present some tips for parents for better care of their baby.
• If well preparation is not a challenge, then hour of the bath can be everything, but it is not as difficult as it seems. In order to bathe new born baby, try to arrange sponge bath for her. That is to say, with a hand towel start washing from the cleanest area to the dirtiest area, always wash with water and just a little bit soap.
• The care of the umbilical cord is very important; carelessness can cause an infection and even the death.
• If the baby has fever, if the color of the umbilical cord is red or swollen around, continues bleeding, emanates yellowish pus or produces a liquid with bad scent, then you must contact with your doctor.
• Remember, her defense system has not yet been developed completely, therefore is necessary to protect her from germs.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sex During the Pregnancy

Some people usually agree with this phrase: sex is not the main aspect of a pair, nevertheless, when it fails, it becomes 90%. And the truth is a very accurate phrase.
For that reason it is so important to demolish the myths that dim the sex of a pair. For example, there are many myths on sex and the pregnancy. Many pairs feel inconvenience having relations during the pregnancy, or think that it can have contraindications, etc. The myths are:
• Sex can be detrimental or painful during the pregnancy.
• The sexual sex could hurt to the baby.
• The baby of certain way “knows” that sexual relations are being had.
The truth is nothing of that is certain. Unless health professional indicates the opposite to him, sex during the pregnancy is safe for you and its baby. Even more, he is beneficial.
In addition, the baby does not have idea than she is succeeding between the mother and the papa. Where one is, he is very well protected with a mattress of liquid in the matrix and the abdomen of the mother.

  • Monday, October 19, 2009

    You can not neglect the feeding of your baby

    The feeding of your baby is a very important subject, because good nutrition is one the essential aspects for their health, its ability to learn or to communicate. The feeding is the fundamental base for a good physical, psychic and social development; for that reason, you cannot neglect the feeding of your baby.
    The introduction of the components of the complementary feeding will be made gradual progressively and so that the boy is accustomed to cereals, vegetables, meats or fish.
    Here we are providing an age outline to you to introduce foods:
    1. Between 4 and 6 month: cereals without gluten are required.
    2. As of the six months: vegetables (potato, marrow, beets) and fruits (pear, apple, banana and orange)
    3. Between 7 and 8 month: chicken and later, calf of optional way.
    4. As of the 10 months: yolks of egg and fish, of optional way (you can wait for until 12 month), crude vegetable juice additions in puree (tomato, carrot), peas and cereals with gluten. You can throw crude olive oil in puree.
    5. As of the 12 months: fresh yogurts, cheeses. Another type of vegetables like the radish, onion, spinach, York ham and fruits as the strawberries, kiwis and peaches. You can throw a little salt to the meals and add sugar to yogurts.
    It is simple to carry out these steps to maintain your baby in good form. It remembers that its well-being, development and health depend on the quality feeding according to his age.

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Gonorrhea in pregnancy and effects on the baby

    Gonorrhea, also known as gonorrhea, gonococcal urethritis blennorrhoea and is an infectious disease common sexually transmitted. More than 700,000 people in the United States get gonorrhea every year. The gonorrhea germs are found in the lining of the body (vagina, penis, throat and rectum), so that the infection is contracted through contact with these areas. If a pregnant woman has gonorrhea, is likely to suffer complications and to transmit the infection to her baby as it passes through the route of delivery at birth.
    Most women with gonorrhea have no symptoms (around 80%, compared to 15% of men) and, if they do, they are mild. Even the symptoms can be so nonspecific that blend with a yeast infection or cystitis. So they should be tested with these symptoms. Gonorrhea can cause serious complications during pregnancy.
    There are several laboratory tests to diagnose gonorrhea. It may take a sample of body parts that could be infected (cervix, urethra, rectum or throat) and send it to a lab for analysis. With a simple analysis of a urine sample can diagnose gonorrhea is present in the cervix or urethra.

  • Tuesday, October 6, 2009

    Health Tips and Notes to Thrive through Pregnancy

    To avoid blood pooling:

    - limit the time you spend standing still

    - keep your toes and legs moving if you do have to stand for a long period.
    To prevent heartburn and indigestion interfering with your exercise:

    - avoid positions where your shoulders are lower than your hips

    - take frequent small sips of water during exercise.
    To help relieve constipation:

    - eat a well-balanced diet rich in fibre and drink plenty of water

    - practise pelvic rocking — some women find it helps relieve bowel dis­comfort.
    To protect your feet:

    - as mentioned above, wear supportive low, wide-heeled shoes as much as
    possible and exercise in shock-absorbing footwear

    - avoid constant walking on concrete when walking for exercise

    - consider being fitted with orthotics by a podiatrist.

    'Packaging problems'

    All pregnant women experience some discomfort from the compression and stretching associated with the growing uterus. Before you were pregnant, your uterus was much smaller than the size of your fist. By the end of your pregnancy it will be about the size of a punching bag — and that's if you're having only one baby! The packaging of the structures within your abdomen will obviously need to be rearranged to accommodate this growth.
    Effects on the rib cage

    Towards the end of pregnancy, your uterus will press up under your diaphragm. The work of breathing will become harder, especially during moderate to high-intensity exercise. You will feel short of breath more eas­ily. To compensate for the limitations of your diaphragm, your ribs will flare out to the side as you breathe, which may cause a sharp pain under your shoulder blades that radiates to your chest.


    - you will need to avoid moderate to high-intensity exercise during the last trimester of pregnancy.

    - you should avoid sudden changes of aerobic intensity in your ^exercise program.

    - sustained, light to moderate aerobic work is preferable.

    - you should add upper-back flexibility exercises to reduce the risk of rib pain.

    - you should seek physiotherapy treatment if rib pain is a persistent problem.

    Pelvic-floor pressure

    The pelvic floor is the group of muscles that attach in a hammock-like fashion to the base of your pelvis. An important function of these muscles | is to support the abdominal and pelvic contents above them, including your bladder and uterus.

    The design of the pelvic floor is considered inherently poor because, firstly, the group of muscles that form the pelvic floor have only a small amount of muscle fibre, but a large amount of fibrous tissue and, secondly, they are interrupted by the urethra, vagina and anus. Maybe the pelvic floor wasn't designed to take all the weight from above at all? Perhaps we were designed to walk around on all fours as the theory of evolution suggests!

    During pregnancy, there is an increased risk of incontinence (involun­tary loss of urine). The three major contributing factors are:

    - the increased pressure on your bladder and pelvic floor as your uterus expands

    - the increasing amount of space your uterus occupies within the pelvis as your pregnancy progresses, which makes it impossible for your bladder to hold as much urine as before

    - the hormone relaxin, which softens the structures of the pelvic floor so that they become less efficient in holding up your pelvic organs. This can also add to the discomfort of vulval varicose veins and haemorrhoids.

    When you pull, push, lift or carry loads, cough, sneeze, vomit, run, jump or laugh heartily you increase the pressure within your abdomen, which will jeopardise an already 'at risk' situation even further.

    The pelvic-floor muscles may not be able to hold against this extra pressure and stress incontinence may be the consequence. (Stress incontinence is the involun­tary leakage of urine caused by an increase in impact or stress pressure within the abdomen.) The best defence you have is to avoid situations that place added strain on your body and to improve the strength of your pelvic-floor muscles.

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    Keeping your figure after pregnancy and child birth

    As an expectant mother in todays world, you will probably need to intro­duce or maintain regular exercise in your daily routine to prepare yourself physically for childbirth and motherhood. In previous generations women were responsible for the house and they automatically exercised as they knelt and squatted doing their housework. They also had little choice but to walk everywhere. Now we get in the car to go even short distances; to heat our houses we flick a switch rather than chop 0r collect wood; and we have replaced scrubbing floors with vacuuming!

    AH women today will benefit from being generally fit; that is, from having stamina, strength and flexi­bility. However, pregnant women need to be encour­aged to become specifically fit for pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. Obvious­ly, the type of exercise pro­gram they participate in will vary according to their health, lifestyle and previous exercise experience. Never­theless, whatever the previous experience or level of fitness, there are essen­tial exercises that should be added to every pregnant woman's program. A well-balanced exercise program for pregnancy should include:

    - a warm-up to prepare your body for activity

    - aerobic-fitness activities, such as walking or swimming, at levels that are appropriate for your developing baby

    - strengthening exercises that target the muscle groups most stressed by pregnancy

    - body awareness exercises to help you manage your changing posture

    - flexibility exercises for your lower back, pelvis and hips

    - squatting and pelvic rocking in preparation for childbirth

    - a cool-down to prevent injury.

    Some women will embrace their change of shape as an expression of full womanhood. Other women, however, will find the inevitable changes in body shape associated with becoming a mother difficult to reconcile with their body image of themselves. Many women are used to being valued for their appearance. Fashion dictates the norm, and today that norm is de­cidedly slim. The pregnant shape may be natural but only a small percent­age of women in our community are pregnant at any one time, so on many occasions pregnant women may feel the 'odd one out'.

    Unfortunately, the pregnant shape is often confused with fatness and in our present society not many women aspire to look fat! Yet physiologi­cally it is important that you, as well as your developing baby, gain weight in pregnancy. It is normal for this weight to accumulate around the hips, thighs, bottom and breasts. It is also normal for some to remain when you are breastfeeding.

    The patterns of weight gain vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy. Some women gain less weight than recommend­ed, have large babies and successfully breastfeed. Others gain more than recommended, gain it early, and yet still return to their normal weight after the birth. You need to discuss any concerns about weight gain throughout your pregnancy with your medical consultant or a dietician.

    Your shape will be ever changing in pregnancy. It is to a large extent independent of your actions, although how you manage your energy input (food) and energy output (activity level) can alter the extent of the change, and hence your reaction to it. However, pregnancy is not the time to use exercise as a means of reducing your essential weight gain, but rather as a time for you to use exercise, in association with healthy eating, to limit unnecessary weight gain.

  • The body changes during pregnacy

    The body changes during pregnacy: The more obvious changes of pregnancy are those that relate to the exter­nal changes in the shape of a woman's body. By the twelfth week of pregnancy your baby (foetus) should have developed all its major organs. From then until birth it should continue to grow and mature within your uterus.

    As your baby grows during pregnancy, your uterus will outgrow the space it normally occupies within your pelvis and move up into your abdomen, pressing on other structures as it does so. The top (fundus) of your uterus is usually just above your pubic bone by about twelve weeks, and level with your bellybutton by twenty weeks. While each pregnancy is different, you will usually begin to 'show' during this time and may start and remember to brace your abdominal muscles to balance your spinal posture.

    Achieving Balanced Posture

    - extend your neck and spine as if you were balancing a book on your head.

    - when standing, have your knees 'soft' rather than locked. This will allow you to hold your pelvis tilted to a comfortably 'flat-backed position rather than the sway-backed position common in pregnancy.

    - feel 'open' across your chest: bring your shoulder blades together by gently bracing the muscles between them, but keep your shoulders relaxed.

    - hold your abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles gently braced, as described in this chapter.

    If you leave your posture unchecked in pregnancy, the forward drag on your spinal and pelvic joints due to your increased weight and altered cen­tre of gravity may lead to lower-back and pelvic pain developing. The abdominal strengthening and pelvic-mobility exercises described in this book have been specially chosen to help you maintain a balanced posture in all positions and so help prevent back discomfort and pelvic-joint strain.


    - you need to be diligent in maintaining your balanced posture in all positions and exercises.

    - you should make sure you strengthen your abdominal and buttock muscles so that you can control your pelvic tilt as your pregnancy pro­gresses.

    - you need to support and protect your pelvic and spinal joints by using pelvic-floor and abdominal-bracing techniques throughout all exer­cises.

    - you should 'think tall' at all times.

    - to protect your abdominals, you should replace traditional curl-ups done in the supine position (lying on your back). Also use the alternative strengthen­ing exercises, and techniques for transferring from one position to the next. This may reduce the potential for diastasis during pregnancy and help it to settle naturally within six to eight weeks after childbirth.

  • Exercises to try during pregnancy:


    - sit tall, with your knees gently crossed.

    - brace your abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles.

    - clasp your wrists with your hands.

    - lift your arms up and back until you feel a comfortable stretch.

    - hold the position for 10 seconds.

    - release, then repeat.

    As you become more flexible, slide your hands from your wrists towards your elbows and stretch up and back.


    - sit tall, with your knees gently crossed.

    - brace your abdominal and pelvic-floor muscles.

    - make sure your back and neck feel long and straight.

    - slowly turn to look over one shoulder, bring your head back to the centre, and then turn it to the other side.

    - facing forward, slowly lower your right ear towards your right shoulder, bring your head back to the centre, and then lower your left ear towards your left shoulder.

    - slowly let your head roll down to your chest, then roll it forward in a half-circle from ear to ear.

    - move your head down and to one side, as if to tuck your nose under an armpit, until you feel a comfortable stretch. Hold the position. Release, and then repeat the movement on the other side.


    - sit tall, with your knees gently crossed.

    - place your hands on the floor and take your weight on them.

    - fold yourself forward from your hips until you feel a comfortable stretch across your buttocks.

    - hold the position for at least 10 seconds.

    - push up with your hands to release.


    - from the cross-legged sitting
    position, straighten both your legs (lift them out with a hand under each knee to protect your pelvic joints if you have any pelvic discomfort).

    - sit tall, with your legs comfortably apart, and look forward.

    - place your baby between your thighs if he or she is interested.

    - place your hands on the floor on either side of your baby, keeping your elbows relaxed and bent.

    - lean forward from the hips and press your knees towards the floor until you feel a comfortable stretch behind the thighs.

    - make sure your back feels straight and long.

    - hold the position for at least 10 seconds talking to your baby while you stretch.

    - release slowly.


    - if you feel uncomfortable behind you knees or low in your back, keep your hands under your thighs and press down on your fists as you lean forward.

    - as your flexibility improves, this position can be a good one in which to change your baby's nappy. If you cannot maintain a straight back as you lean forward, let your knees bend slightly to avoid straining your back.


    - from the sitting position, roll onto your side.

    - cradle your baby at your waist.

    - bend your knees.

    - rest your head on a pillow.

    - focus on your breathing and relax.

    - feel good about what you have done for your body, and enjoy relaxing in your baby s company.

    - rise slowly from the floor, feeling refreshed and revitalised.

    We hope these pregnancy exercise tips are useful to ensure a safe happy arrival.

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    Pregnancy hormones and implications on your pregnancy

    Pregnancy hormones, including progesterone but particularly relaxin, cause a chemical change to occur in the ligaments of your joints, in your muscle tendons and in other body structures, such as the walls of your veins and intestines. These structures are chemically 'softened'. Relaxin is produced very early in pregnancy and has its peak production at twelve to fourteen weeks. Although it takes some time for relaxin to cause softening of your ligaments and its effects are not usually felt until later in pregnancy, some women complain of discomfort and softening as early as mid-pregnancy.

    The pelvis is normally considered a fused bony ring, similar to the skull. However, under the influence of relaxin, a small amount of move­ment occurs at each of its joints, causing it to become an unstable ring. It is this movement that may cause discomfort at the front or back of your pelvis or pain to radiate into your buttocks as you move. The most obvi­ous signs of pelvic-joint instability are:

    - a pregnant waddle

    - pain in the hips or buttocks, especially when you have been standing still for a long time; changed positions, such as rolled over or got out of bed; or taken weight on one side of your body when, for example, climbing stairs.

    While the prime purpose of relaxin is to soften your pelvic joints so that they are ready for the birth of your baby, its effects may be felt in other joints of your body, especially those that support your body weight. The structures supporting the small joints of your feet, for example, are soft­ened by relaxin. When you add to this the extra weight you are carrying, you can see why your feet may flatten and widen during pregnancy. The result is usually tired, aching feet and difficulty fitting into some of your shoes.

    This hormonal softening also affects the walls of your veins and gut. They tend to widen and may contribute to blood pooling in the lower-leg veins when you stand still for long periods of time, and to constipation, heartburn, gastric reflux and indigestion in the gut.


    You need to protect your pelvic joints during every exercise. Their soft­ened state makes them vulnerable to injury. To help protect them during exercise:

    - avoid high-impact exercises or activities

    - limit asymmetrical weight-bearing activities, such as 'step' classes

    - avoid highly choreographed or fast aerobics

    - exercise in shock-absorbing footwear

    - wear low-heeled shoes — preferably ones that are also wide heeled

    - take shorter strides when you walk

    - brace your abdominals and tuck your pelvis under before all move­ments

    - strengthen your postural support muscles; that is, your back, hip and abdominal muscles

    - bring your knees together when you change positions.

    You should seek advice from your medical or exercise consultant or from a women's health physiotherapist if you have any problems. Most women respond well to individual consultation and so avoid long-term back and pelvic problems.

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    Temperature changes during pregnancy

    Temperature changes during pregnancy: During pregnancy, your body temperature is reset by the hormone proges­terone at 0.5 °C higher than normal. Heat is also generated, even while you rest, by the extra work being done by maternal tissues and the metabolic work of growing your baby.

    If your core temperature remains elevated for extended periods at critical times during the first thirteen weeks of your pregnancy, you may place your baby at risk of developmental defects. Your core temperature should not rise to or remain above 38°C for extended periods. Do not sunbake or use hot baths, saunas or spas because these activities can raise your temperature.


    - you need to be careful not to exercise so intensely that your tempera­ture rises above the maximum of 38°C It is difficult to perceive a changed core temperature until it is already high; however, if you fol­low the guidelines regarding exercise intensity and duration outlined in this book, your temperature should remain within safe limits.

    - you should not exercise if you are ill with a fever or exercise in a hot, humid environment because both situations have the potential to raise your core temperature above safe limits.

    Simple precautions you can take to limit a rise in body temperature are:

    - drink water before, during and after exercise (that is, ensure good hydration).

    - wear loose, light cotton clothing while exercising.

    - exercise in a cool, well-ventilated environment.

    - limit the intensity and duration of your exercise.


    The normal group of adrenaline hormones released by everyone as they exercise have specific effects during pregnancy:

    - they can act as a stimulant to your uterus, causing contractions

    - they normally play a part in directing the blood flow to your working muscles and away from your internal organs during exercise — the uterus is considered one of the organs that may have blood diverted away from it during pregnancy

    - they help stabilise glucose levels at mild to moderate levels of exercise, but this effect is reduced during strenuous exercise. Your baby may then be at risk of having a low-blood sugar level during your exercise.


    - you need to limit your exercise intensity to 'somewhat to moderately hard' and maintain your target heart.

    - you should limit your moderately hard' exercise to 15 minutes dura­tion in your work-out (unless you have specific advice from your medical or exercise consultant).

    - if you have had a history of miscarriage, you should discuss your intended exercise program with your medical consultant, preferably prior to conception.

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    Vascular health changes during pregnancy

    Vascular changes during pregnancy: During pregnancy you have a greater volume of blood circulating in your body. The increase in fluid (plasma) is greater than the increase in red blood cells, so your blood is relatively 'diluted'. This means its ability to Carry oxygen around your body is potentially reduced. However, despite this haemodilution, the oxygen supply to your baby is maintained because your heart is pumping more blood each minute (increased cardiac output), and you are breathing more air per minute (increased minute ventilation) I than before you were pregnant so that you build up a reserve of oxygen. A softening of the walls of your veins also occurs. This potentially allows blood to pool in the veins of your lower legs.


    - you need to avoid prolonged standing exercises and keep your legs moving, so blood does not pool in the veins of your legs.

    - you should change positions slowly so you don`t feel dizzy or light-headed.

    - you need to avoid lying on your back in later pregnancy because the weight of your uterus can press on the large veins returning blood to your heart and may cause dizziness.

    - you should limit how hard, how long and how often you work out.

    - you need to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY and work at your own pace.


    Because each millilitre of your blood cannot carry as much oxygen as before you became pregnant, your respiratory system must work harder to supply oxygen to your organs and to your baby, especially towards the end of your pregnancy. The hormone progesterone causes you to breathe deeper to maintain a sufficient oxygen supply.

    In late pregnancy, your uterus presses right up under your diaphragm, so you may find it harder to breathe deeply. You may even feel some rib pain as your ribs flare sideways to accommodate this change.
    The normal respiratory system is not heavily taxed by pregnancy, so there's plenty of oxygen in reserve for moderate exercise. However, in late pregnancy, sudden increases in aerobic work to intense levels can leave you feeling breathless.


    - to avoid feeling out of breath, you need to limit your work-out to a level of exertion perceived as no greater than 'moderately hard.

    - exercises such as the trunk stretches often feel comfortable late in pregnancy because they tend to relieve the rib pressure.

    Pregnancy hormonal changes that affect exercise: Hormones (the chemical monitors of your body) cause a wide variety of changes in your body during pregnancy, which are designed to create a suitable environment for the maintenance and development of a healthy baby.

  • Following a home exercise program during pragnancy

    Following a home exercise program during pragnancy: The Home Exercise Program for Pregnancy follows through logically from one position to the next, rather than organising exercises by body region or muscle groups worked. This allows your exercise to be efficient - both in terms of time spent and of avoiding potential stress on your body struc­tures.

    The exercises are ordered so that you warm up, stabilise, work and stretch in each position before you have to change position. For best results you should follow the order of exercises suggested for each position. Depending on your comfort and the time available, you can choose either to finish your program with relaxation in the sitting position or move onto your side. Tips, variations and cautions have been included to allow you to adjust your program to suit your body and pregnancy.

    While you will probably find the exercise names and photos are a suf­ficient cue as you become more familiar with the program, reread the copy from time to time to remind yourself about correct technique so that you reduce the risk of discomfort.

    The number of times you do each exercise at a time is called the num­ber of repetitions. After a short rest, you may wish to repeat the exercise. This is known as doing a second set For example, two sets of six repeti­tions means you did the exercise six times, took a short rest and then did six repetitions a second time.

    Usually the number of repetitions suggested in the text for each exercise is eight. If you feel you are unable to achieve the number recommended, do what you feel comfortable with. As your fitness develops you may feel able to do more. As your pregnancy progresses you may need to do fewer. If an exercise does not feel right, leave it out of your program and discuss it with your medical or exercise consultant. Depending on the number of repeti­tions you do, the program may last for 20 minutes.

    We have recommended holding a comfortable stretch for a minimum of 10 seconds in the case of most stretches. However, only hold the stretch while it feels comfortable, to help prevent injury from muscle and soft tis­sue tightness. To develop your flexibility you may like gradually to increase the length of time you hold the feeling of a comfortable stretch up to 30 seconds, and perhaps repeat the stretch after a short rest. Remember, after you have held a stretch, to return to your starting position slowly to help prevent strain.

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    Preparing for Pregnancy to Maintain Vitality

    Preparing for Pregnancy to Maintain Vitality: You will not need to purchase any expensive equipment to do the Home Exercise Program for Pregnancy, but you will need to consider the envi­ronment in which you plan to exercise.

    Don't do the floor-exercise section of the program on a bed as it will not give your body adequate support, but you can substitute a rest on a bed for the relaxation section.

    When planning your exercise session, you should consider the follow­ing points:

    - allow time for these exercises. Don't stop abruptly. Getting up suddenly may be the cause of injury, so don t answer the phone or door or have anything cooking while you exercise.

    - if it is a hot day, exercise in an air-conditioned area or early in the morning or in the evening, and make sure there is a good air-flow around you.

    - wear supportive footwear and loose, comfortable clothes, with no tight elastic bands around the waist or legs.

    - exercise on a clear, non-slip floor surface to avoid accidents.

    - drink water regularly while you exercise to avoid dehydration.

    - breathe evenly and easily during your exercises.

    - to protect your joints, change positions slowly and smoothly, keeping your knees together as your move.

    - never overstrain yourself: allow no pain. Always work within your comfort zone.

    - brace your pelvic-floor and abdominal muscles during all

    - be aware of keeping a balanced posture during all exercises. Move smoothly and at a steady pace throughout your exercise.

    - add music for your pleasure and motivation. Choose music that has a walking-pace beat. You may like to count your repetitions in eights to the beat of the music.

    You can vary the program according to your needs by:

    - reducing the time spent on each position by reducing the number of repetitions;

    - choosing to do only one position each session;

    - increasing the number of sets of repetitions;

    - repeating all the exercises of one position before moving on to the next.

    For best results, balance your exercise with adequate rest to allow your body to cope with the extra metabolic work of pregnancy. Remember, as your pregnancy progresses you will probably find you cannot do as much physical work. This is quite normal as your body is getting heavier as your baby grows, and the increasing weight is adding to your body's workload. If your body is rested, as well as appropriately fit, you usually feel better during pregnancy and are able to recover quicker physically after the birth.

  • Considerations on Motherhood

    Motherhood is not achieved by magic. In the real world, becoming a mother involves the four stages of becoming preg­nant, being pregnant, giving birth and caring for your new baby. Once you have conceived, you can't leave the pregnancy behind in the office or deal with it tomor­row. Your body is directly involved in the process twenty-four hours a day.

    It sometimes helps to consider becom­ing a mother in the same way as you would approach beginning a new career. Each stage will require preparation, mastering new skills and adjusting to changes before you begin to feel competent. And, of course, with this career there is also the excitement and challenge of growing and nurturing a new life.

    Many women today feel they have to be superwomen: that they have to add pregnancy and motherhood to their existing workload without relin­quishing any part of it or adding any assistance. You may be lucky and cope with the increased load, but it is far better to plan so that you have as smooth a transition to motherhood as possible. To achieve a successful bal­ance in your life, ask your self the following questions:

    What is best for my baby?
    What is best for me?
    What is best for my family?

    The priority of these questions may change, but each decision you make will have an impact on all your family. Your decisions also may be different from those of others; however, your aim should always be to keep everything in balance to achieve the best experience, given your personal circumstances.

    Caring for the baby begins with the mother. It is widely accepted that the health of both the woman and her pregnancy influences the outcome of preg­nancy. So, when planning to become pregnant, you should also plan to make healthy lifestyle choices. They will help you to cope physically with the changes of pregnancy and should provide the best environment for your baby's growth and development. The choices you make with regard to nutrition, smoking, drugs, exercise and rest will influence not only your health but your baby's as well.

    The physical condition of your body is very important for both your energy and your comfort during pregnancy and for your ability to look after your newborn baby. Recent research on exercise during pregnancy supports the view that there are positive health benefits associated with exercising regularly throughout pregnancy and returning to exercise short­ly after your baby is born.

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    Choosing a good babysitter

    If you're worried about choosing the person who is a caring for your children when you're not at home, then today we have some tips that can help you. To make the best choice, it is advisable to do a little analysis of the personality of the sitter. Many people decide to select a nanny through a specialized agency. But others decide to do the search by themselves.

    - You can try to use a known person, rather than a stranger. A person who is already has a good relationship ca facilitate mutual understanding.

    - If you find your nanny teenager who lives near your neighborhood then you should observe her behavior with their younger siblings or other children.

    - Call your friends to view and ask them if they know that person. Surely anyone has useful information that you can serve.

    - Choose to persons having an appropriate age to take sufficient responsibility to take such a job.

    - If you are making a short interview, you prepare a few key questions. Ask about her work experience, studies, etc..

    - Watch her behavior in general; you must observe her posture and gestures that reveal clearly how the nanny as person is.


    Body changes as your baby grows inside you

    As your baby grows inside you, you will become aware of obvious changes in your body's shape. Less obvious­ly, there are internal physio­logical changes occurring also, which are essential for your baby`s growth and development. While the extent of both these obvious and hidden changes may differ, they all occur in all women.

    What are the changes happening within your body? The hidden ones are the physiological changes needed to provide the right environment for your baby`s develop­ment. Changes such as heart enlargement and increased blood volume are not visible, but they are very important factors to consider when planning your exercise program. The obvious changes are — well, obvious! Your weight gain and your altered posture are very visible and can't be ignored.

    How will the changes affect your choice of exercise? All of them will affect your ability to exercise in some way. The extent to which the changes affect you and your baby will:

    - be different from the extent to which they affect other women and their pregnancies

    - depend on the type of exercise you are doing

    - depend on the stage of your pregnancy; for example, early in your preg­nancy a high temperature is more threatening to your baby's develop­ment than later, whereas backache is usually more of a misery for you late in your pregnancy than early on.


    The sections that follow are a straightforward account of the physiological changes occurring during pregnancy that will have an impact on your choice of exercise. The account is by no means exhaustive; rather, it is a basic overview written so that you can develop a respect for the limitations pregnancy imposes on exercise and plan your program accordingly.

    Cardiac changes: During pregnancy your heart naturally becomes more efficient so that it can meet the increased demand for blood to supply your growing baby as well as you. Your heart pumps faster and your heart rate when you are at rest is higher. The muscle of your heart enlarges so that it can pump more blood with every beat


    - the good news is that you can usually achieve aerobic benefits with a lower increase of heart rate (that is, with less work) than when you were not pregnant. Your heart is already working harder than normal to meet the metabolic demands of your pregnancy, so you are always in a slightly aerobic state during pregnancy.

    - your resting heart rate is higher, so your warm-up doesn't need to be as vigorous as before you were pregnant; however, both your warm-up and your cool-down should be longer and slower than normal.

    - because when you are pregnant the range between your resting heart rate and your heart rate during exercise is smaller than when you were not pregnant, you should limit your level of exertion to what you perceive to be 'somewhat to moderately hard.
    Because there is no conclusive research currently available about the maximum safe heart rate during pregnancy, it is difficult to give absolute guidelines. It appears best to use an exercising heart-rate range of between 60 and 75 per cent of your maximum heart rate (see Chapter 5 for an explanation of this), coupled with the perceived level of exertion just described.

    - reducing the duration and intensity of the exercise is important as pregnancy progresses. Talk to your medical consultant about what is best for you and your baby.

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    The changes in your body during pregnancy

    The changes in your body during pregnancy usually reflect the develop­ment of your baby. How your body reacts is individual and can be affect­ed by your fitness level. In general, exercising regularly will probably help you cope with the changes that are occurring in your body because you will feel you are contributing positively to your health and doing something normal. However, the changes in your body mean that your exercise choices should be different from those made when you were not pregnant.
    There are now two of you exercising together, you and your baby.

    Working out in a specialised pregnancy exercise class with other preg­nant women will help you acknowledge the presence of your baby and accept your changing shape as normal and desirable. However, you can also successfully exercise at home.

    There are various types of exercise suitable for pregnancy that focus on the exercise goals of aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility. Aerobic exer­cise, such as walking, swimming and cycling, involves using large-muscle groups to improve your cardiovascular and respiratory fitness. Some of the benefits of aerobic exercise during pregnancy are feeling physically capable of continuing your normal activities for longer into your pregnancy and having more energy in reserve to enjoy the pleasures of life and mother­hood. Strengthening the specific postural muscles affected by the changes of pregnancy will improve your muscle tone, and lessen any backache and pelvic-joint discomfort. Improving your flexibility may help lessen the physical discomforts of pregnancy and specifically prepare your body for labour.

    Other benefits reported by women who exercise regularly in specially designed programs for pregnancy are:

    - a feeling of wellbeing
    - easier management of weight gain during pregnancy
    - less tiredness at the end of the day and better sleep at night
    - a sense of poise and grace of movement
    - confidence and trust in their body's ability to give birth.

    An exercise program that emphasises all components of fitness is ideal for you in pregnancy. Your general health, the health of your pregnancy and your previous exercise experience will influence where you start and how much you do. The changes in your body may mean that your exercise choices will be different from those available to you when you were not pregnant. Obviously there will be differences between what is suitable for an athlete and what someone just starting out can cope with.
    Note: Before you start any exercise program during pregnancy you should discuss your plans with your medical consultant.


    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    Beanbag & Beanie Babies

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    Babies Keepsakes Tips

    Is there any parent who misses the beautiful moments of the first few years of his girl/boy baby??? Surely not, so visit 101 Baby Keepsakes to buy baby keeps king products and start collecting the unforgettable moments of your little ones with their products. Starting from baby calendar's, porcelain keep safe for baby boots, beautifully carved photo frames, baby scrapbook for saving the hand and foot print of your loving baby,keepsafes to keep the first tooth of your baby, colorful albums and wall hangings you can find everything on this website. Gift your babies with cute gifts like pillows with printed wordings or picture, silver spoon, cozy blankets, toys and many more splendid items.

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    Babycare Tips

    The toughest job in the world would probably be a task of a mother who is trying to keep her little ones at ease. If you are a parent who is on the purchase spree for your new born or small kids you must surely take a glance at the 101 Baby Gear store. Here you can make a online purchase of baby gears and other utilities like leg washer, cushion seats and seat ring. You can get different company brands like Fisher, Evenflo, Exersaucer, Kelty etc. With each product in different colors and at attractive prices. Make your purchase earlier and get good discounts.

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    Breastfeeding on infant development

    Breastfeeding greatly influences on infant development. The best food for a newborn is the milk of his/her own mother. Breastfeeding is more practical, inexpensive, requires no preparation, the milk comes to the proper temperature, and contains all the nutrients the baby needs to grow.
    In its first months, the child needs more than ever, proper nutrition, affection, encouragement and protection against infection. Breastfeeding satisfies these needs and provides the best possible start to their lives.
    Breast milk contains all the nutrients it needs a healthy baby. It is a food produced by the body of the mother and its composition is adapted to the needs of children.
    Mothers should offer the breast whenever the baby is hungry. The more you breastfeed, the glands secrete more milk. Even if this is a premature baby, the type of milk that the mother has adapted to proteins, carbohydrates and fats in relation to weight and time of birth. The rarely breast fed baby will be sick, because breast milk provides antibodies and cells to reduce infection.
    Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and child, especially if started soon after birth. The baby will feel safe, loved and respond with an attitude of joy and satisfaction that contribute to good neurological development.

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    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Nursery wall hangings

    Nursery wall hangings: Small children irrespective of the gender they will be very much attracted towards toys, tattoos, stickers etc. they always wish to decorate their room with unique set of collections. Among all the types toys and wall hangings are very good which provides better base for their educational system to develop. These days’ wall hangings with alphabets, pictures of famous personalities, carton characters and other similar small but powerful information are added in that which can be used by the elder people to teach their child in unique style. Other decorative system added includes toy box, stickers, clock etc which are added to their room for other special features.

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